Today’s question is…
What was your first convention?
My very first convention experiences were going to MidSouthCon with my parents when I was a kid. I don’t remember a lot about them and I don’t have any photos (although my mom claims she has some – if I ever see them, I’ll scan them!). One year I wore my Star Trek TNG suit. I bought a purple alien handpuppet in the dealer’s room which I still have, and a Spock stamp. One year we met Rufus Thomas there, and he sat down and told me and Ash the story of the “3 Rockin’ Little Pigs.” It was awesome.
Several years later, I had gotten into anime and started putting together costumes for Halloween, and getting into the cosplay community online. I saw people talking about Animazement in NC, and talked my cousin into going with me.

We had a fantastic time. Bought way too much in the dealer’s room, wore costumes all weekend, went to a sushi demonstration, went to the dance, watched the masquerade, went to panels, got autographs. We actually did everything there is to do a convention! (which we don’t really do anymore, LOL) I was hooked and looked for another anime con to go to, and discovered one in Nashville (MTAC) later that year, and the next year went back to MidSouthCon for the first time in several years, back to Animazement, then Otakon, and MTAC again, and then Dragoncon. Dragoncon was the pinnacle and there was no saving me after that, LOL.